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Culminating Exercise integrates Brazilian and American troops in an unprecedented training in the U.S.

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Pride and honor are some of the feelings shared by members of the Brazilian Army (BrA) participating in the Culminating Exercise, an unprecedented combined training exercise between Brazil and the United States (U.S.) in Fort Polk, Louisiana. The Brazilian troops, represented by the Brazilian Army Airborne Rifle Company, have been on American soil since January 4. After completing their quarantine period, as well as getting used to the winter weather, they began technical preparations for the exercise itself.

During this period, the BrA Company had the opportunity to experience what it is like to participate in a bilateral mission. Corporal Felipe Gonçalves, from the Brazilian Army, states, “It is an honor for me and my buddies to put into practice all the training we have had over the past two years and see that we are really prepared to accomplish this mission.” BrA Squad Leader 2nd Sergeant Donner Cerqueira describes the exercise as a unique experience. "We are working with a universally recognized army with abilities acknowledged by all. Being here, learning and also teaching some of our techniques is an experience I will carry throughout my career".

Brazilian Company Commander, Captain Marcus Vinicius Falcão provides a very positive assessment of Brazilian participation in the exercise so far. “During these days, having been in contact with the American troops, I can affirm that we are prepared to accomplish the mission. We received our first objective and, with the complete trust of the United States battalion commander, have carried out planning according to our doctrine. I am sure that we, as well as the Americans, will do a great job.”

This assessment is shared by members of the U.S. Army, as stated by Lieutenant Michael Vecchio, liaison officer for the 1-501st Airborne Regiment in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. “The preparation of the troops has been very good. We have been very impressed with our Brazilian partners. They are a very professional army and we have learned a lot during this time, especially with regard to how they manage soldiers.”

The result of a five-year plan, the Culminating Exercise is the last phase of an exchange between the Brazilian and United States armies. During this stage, members of the Brazilian Airborne Brigade join an 82nd Airborne Division battalion brigade, in the U.S. The exercise will continue until February 22.

Nessa etapa, militares da Brigada Paraquedista brasileira enquadram-se em um batalhão de uma brigada da 82ª Airborne Division, nos EUA. O exercício se estenderá até o dia 22 de fevereiro.


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