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Gripen NG – U$ 450 Million in 2015 Budget

Portuguese Text

LOA 2015 – R$ 1 Bi para o Gripen NG (?) Link

DefesaNet Editor

Brasília, 07/10/2014 – Brazilian Government Project of Budget Law  for 2015 (Projeto de Lei Orçamentária Anual – PLOA), has provision around U$ 450 millions (1 Billion reales) for Brazilian Air Force Gripen New Generation (NG) Project, called  F-X2. The amount of resources assigned  was disclosed this Monday (06OCT14), during a meeting  of F-X2 Project Committee (Comite de Acompanhamento do Projeto F-X2) at Brazilian Ministry of Defense.

For the president  of  Coordinating Commission for Combat Aircraft Program (Comissão Coordenadora do Programa Aeronave de Combate – COPAC), Brigadier José Augusto Crepaldi Affonso, this news  “show Brazilian Government strong support  to the project”, that according the original schedule, will have its contract signed until December this year. Initial forecast is that all 36 fighters, developed by Swedish company SAAB, will be delivered between 2019 and 2024.

Besides the resources,  F-X2 Project will have more gains in Transfer of Technology (To). According Brigadier Crepaldi, with gains in negotiations, Brazilian industry participation in this project will be in larger scale, being present in more stages than previously planned. To have an idea, in 2015, more than  one hundred Brazilian   professionals will be moving to Linköping, city located in South of Sweden, where will start Gripen NG fighter Transfer of Technology (ToT).

Brigadier Crepaldi pointed the importance of committee meetings that track Project F-X2 negotiations. “Committee Meeting  is very important because is possible, trough Defense Ministry, an interaction with all government departments in high level”, said. “Guidelines here defined affect all government levels, easing the Project”, concluded.

Sea Gripen: Aeronaval Defense

In the committee meeting was discussed the viability to be included in the contract to be signed with Sweden a  Technology Transfer package about the Gripen NG naval, called SEA Gripen,  version feasibility study,  to be developed for Brazilian Navy carrier operations.

AdmiralCarlos Frederico Carneiro Primo, head of Naval Aeronautical Directorate ( Diretoria de Aeronáutica da Marinha – DAerM), explained  that idea is that this study to be included as an offset of the main contract , and if viable could be a real “logistical advantage” for Brazil.

“If I buy na airplane and other Force use the same model, I gain in the “Life Cycle Cost” , on aircraft maintenance  and operation, reinforcing interoperability, means that three Forces can talk”, explained Admiral.

Addittional News

EMBRAER – SAAB – Communiqué Link

SEA GRIPEN – Suecos visitam o A-12 São Paulo Agosto 2014 Link

SEA GRIPEN – Defesa da Força Aeronaval Link

EMBRAER – SAAB – Comunicado Link

Gripen C/D – Leasing deal replaced by "flight hours" system Link

Gripen C/D – Não será Leasing, sim Horas Voo Link


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