Versão em português: Gabbiano T20 – Definido radar do KC-390
Finmeccanica – Selex ES has received a contract from Embraer Defense & Security to provide an undisclosed number of Gabbiano T20 radar systems for the KC-390 transport aircraft procured by the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira, FAB). Deliveries will begin this year.
Gabbiano is an X-band radar capable of delivering high accurate ISR, search and rescue and patrol missions on sea, coast and land. Based on a solid-state transmitter, it offers high resolution imagery and superior detection ranges. Gabbiano comes equipped with a suite of modes including air-to-sea surveillance with Track While Scan (TWS), high resolution ground mapping (Spot/Strip-SAR), ship target imaging and classification with ISAR and navigation with ground mapping and weather avoidance. It has been selected by ten international customers. The version of Gabbiano which will equip the KC-390 aircraft incorporates radar modes optimised for military transport aircraft.
The production contract from Embraer follows the earlier selection of the Gabbiano to be part of the KC-390’s baseline. The aircraft, which flew for the first time in February, is projected to play an important role in the international tactical airlift market with several countries having confirmed firm and option orders and sales campaigns ongoing all around the world.
Beyond the KC-390, Selex ES is firmly committed to Brazil, its armed forces and its defence industry. The company has installed equipment on-board all of the Brazilian Air Force’s and Navy’s key airborne platforms including the AMX, F-5, P95 and Lynx, with over 140 airborne fire control and surveillance radars (M-Scan and AESA) currently in service in the country. The company is also the main sensor suite partner for the Saab Gripen NG which has been procured by Brazil under the FX-2 programme.
Selex ES has also engaged with the Brazilian Navy in the modernization of the Niteroi-class frigates and Barroso-class corvette and has helped developing and deploying the Brazilian Army network capabilities through the delivery of the Sistac (Sistema Tatico de Comunicacoes) programme.
An in-country wholly owned subsidiary: i.e. ‘Selex ES do Brazil’, has also been established to create an independent national support capability and to develop relations with local companies in order to address opportunities in the defence and security markets.
Gabbiano is a family of surveillance radar developed by Selex ES to meet the need for protection, patrolling and surveillance missions over ground, sea and along coastlines in all weather conditions, providing a full set of operational modes including High Resolution SAR / ISAR with submetric resolution. The high modularity and flexibility of the radar family in conjunction with low weight/power consumption allows for operation on-board fixed and rotary wing manned/unmanned platforms. The Gabbiano has already been selected by nine customers.