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USSTRATCOM, Brazil sign agreement to share space services, data


Note DefsaNet

For more details see the Brazilian Air Force note, of August 16th, 2018, in Portuguese:

Brasil e EUA assinam termo de cooperação na área espacial Link


U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) signed an agreement with the Brazilian Ministry of Defense to share Space Situational Awareness (SSA) services and information.

Rear Adm. Richard A. Correll, director of plans and policy for USSTRATCOM, signed the agreement as part of a larger effort to build a closer defense partnership with Brazil that will enhance each nation’s awareness within the space domain increasing the safety of their spaceflight operations.

“Cooperation and partnerships such as these is vital for the United States and our allies to maintain effective space situational awareness and for everyone to continue to benefit from the critical domain that is space,” said Correll. “These agreements build our relationships and provide insights to allow us to be more effective in space.”

Sharing Space Situational Awareness fosters openness, predictability of space operations, and transparency in space activities, enabling all nations to realize the benefits of space.

“For Brazil, partnerships in space activities are highly valuable. The signing of the agreement to share Space Situational Awareness services and information will allow us to operate with the support from USSTRATCOM, which represents an important instrument to foster a sustainable use of outer space. Moreover, it is a joint commitment to space operations safety that will further build on the close relationship between both countries,” said Lt. Gen. Jefson Borges, Chief of Operations for the Brazilian Air Force General Staff.


Brazil joins 14 nations – the United Kingdom, the Republic of Korea, France, Canada, Italy, Japan, Israel, Spain, Germany, Australia, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates, Norway, and Denmark – two intergovernmental organizations, the European Space Agency and the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, and over 70 commercial satellite owner/operator/launchers already participating in SSA data-sharing agreements with USSTRATCOM.


“Space Situational Awareness sharing is a foundational capability that affects all future space operations and projects. The U.S. government will continue to partner with space-faring entities to promote the responsible, peaceful, and safe use of space,” Correll said.


SSA data-sharing agreements enhance multinational space cooperation and streamline the process for USSTRATCOM partners to request specific information gathered by Air Force Space Command’s 18th Space Control Squadron at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The information is crucial for launch support, satellite maneuver planning, support for on-orbit anomalies, electromagnetic interference reporting and investigation, satellite decommissioning activities and on-orbit conjunction assessments.


USSTRATCOM has global responsibilities assigned through the Unified Command Plan that include strategic deterrence, nuclear operations, space operations, joint electromagnetic spectrum operations, global strike, missile defense, and analysis and targeting. 


Published on Brazilian Government Official Newspaper


Publicado em: 21/08/2018 | Edição: 161 | Seção: 3 | Página: 16

Órgão: Ministério da Defesa/Comando da Aeronáutica/Estado-Maior da Aeronáutica


Espécie: Acordo para Cooperação que entre si celebram o Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos da América e o Ministério da Defesa do Brasil. Objeto: Estabelecer os termos para cooperação entre o Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos da América, por meio do Comando Estratégico dos EUA (USSTRATCOM) e o Ministério da Defesa do Brasil, por meio do Comando da Aeronáutica (COMAER), para Segurança de Voos Espaciais e Fornecimento de Serviços e Informações sobre Consciência Situacional Espacial. Prazo: Entrará em vigor a partir da data de sua assinatura e terá vigência por tempo indeterminado, a menos que seja rescindido. Data da Assinatura: 12/08/2018. Assinam: Pelo Ministério da Defesa do Governo do Brasil, o Exmo. Sr. Major-Brigadeiro do Ar Jefson Borges, Chefe da Terceira Subchefia do Estado-Maior da Aeronáutica, e pelo Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos da América, o Contra-Almirante Richard A. Correll, Diretor de Planos e Políticas do Comando Estratégico dos Estados Unidos.


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