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First prototype of Iveco-Oto Melara CENTAURO 2 ready for testing

Versão em português

The first prototype of the new CENTAURO 2 8×8 armoured anti-tank wheeled vehicle is ready and has been shown for the first time to Gen. Claudio Graziano, Italy’s Defence Chief of Staff and the Army’s former Chief of Staff.

The new vehicle has a maximum gross weight of around 30-35 tons and is powered with a 720 HP turbodiesel engine for a high power-to-weight ratio. This, together with the new transmission and power-train, will give it robust off-road performances.

Additionally, the CENTAURO 2 has shown during recent tests an extraordinary level of protection against mines and IED thanks to the newly designed chassis. The firepower will be similar to that of an MBT thanks to the evolution of the Oto Melara HITFACT turret armed with a 120/45 mm smoothbore gun (compatible with the 120 mm ammunition NATO standard).

This new turret is extremely modular and can accommodate different kinds of FCS (Fire Control Systems), armour, weapons (i.e. not only 120 mm but also 105/51 mm rifled gun). The vehicle, a product of Iveco-Oto Melara consortium (CIO), will replace B-1 CENTAURO in the Italian Army’s cavalry Recce Units.

The Army’s first requirement is for 74 vehicles followed by a similar quantity. Currently only the development phase is financed, which includes the building of a prototype. Next June the prototype will start the validation testing phase, while the official presentation of the vehicle is scheduled next Autumn


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