Brazil and Russia Focus Military-Technical Partnership and Advance SAM Negotiations

Versão Português

Brazilian Ministry of Defense

BRASILIA — In order to advance the military-technical cooperation between Brazil and Russia, military and civilian officials gathered at the Ministry of Defence (MD), in Brasília (DF) on Tuesday (Aug 18). The delegations reviewed the entire history of the negotiations for the purchase of anti-aircraft artillery, the Pantsir batteries. The committees were formed by professionals of the Defense and Foreign Affairs ministries. The topics will be debated again in September, when will take place the IX Meeting of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Commission (CIC) Brazil-Russia, in the Russian capital of Moscow.

The MoD’s deputy chief for International Affairs, General Decius Luís Schons, expressed a very positive personal vision of the Brazil-Russia relationship in the field of defense and the good prospects for future partnerships. "We need to overcome our cultural differences in the military field, particularly with regard to operation and equipment maintenance" He added: "First of all, we must build trust and credibility."

But the head of the Russian delegation, Mr. Vladimir Tikhomirov, the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, listed the topics of interest of their nation for joint arrangements. In addition to the Pantsir batteries, it cited the offset agreement (trade compensation) of MI-35 helicopters and the creation of a maintenance center for these aircraft; and presented an integrated security system that includes the Bal and Bastion missiles.

On the subject of air-defense, the head of the Defense Advisory Strategic Sectors, General Aderico Visconte Pardi Mattioli noted that the studies on the equipment to be procured date back to 2011. The National Defense Strategy, one of the MD-based documents , provided that the country had capacity to respond to medium altitude aerial threats. For this, research was done and led to the selection of the Russian Pantsir system.

Brazil has an initial requirement for 14 anti-aircraft batteries for low-altitude defense and another seven for medium-altitude defense. The idea is that the purchase of equipment takes place along with technology transfer, so that each battery has higher degrees of nationalization, progressively, until it can be totally produced in Brazil.

The project for the purchase provides for the participation of strategic defense companies, which would benefit the domestic industry in this sector. Negotiations are ongoing. "It's the first time we buy a set system. For us, it is a new experience and a strategic partnership. From signature of the contract, delivery times will be adjusted in accordance with the Russian supply possibilities and our needs," said General Mattioli.

According to the Russian delegation, the Pantsir program has been ongoing for three years and has already carried out firing exercises with the Russian Ministry of Defense. The development phase of the program is complete. "We agree with the unrestricted transfer of technology and need for after-sales support. We are discussing how to empower our Brazilian partners who will carry out this support and we are making progress," Tikhomirov said.

MI-35 helicopters

About other equipment, Gen. Schons noted that Brazil had recently purchased Russian MI-35 attack helicopters, and 12 units have already been delivered. The intention is that the adjustments to the offset agreement are made as quickly as possible – and that this task is completed in September.

It was further recalled further that on 14 and 15 September will be held the IX Meeting CIC Brazil / Russia Cooperation Government. At the time, the issues raised at the meeting of this military-technical cooperation subcommittee will be presented by the Brazilian delegation in Moscow.


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