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Brazil MOD calls to more partnership with European Union

Brasilia – February, 2017 Brazil intends to strengthen its partnerships with the countries of the European Union.

The indication was given by the Defense Minister, Raul Jungmann, on Thursday (February 23), during meeting with ambassadors and representatives of the 30 member countries of the EU. According to Jungmann, the objective is to establish a common agenda similar to the one signed recently with Portugal. About two weeks ago, representatives of the public and private sectors of the two countries met to promote the Brazil-Portugal Defense Industry Dialogue (DID).

"The expansion of cooperation with partner countries and the emphasis on regional cooperation as a dissuasive factor are new elements that are part of Brazil’s European and Global strategy in its new defense policy," said Jungmann. According to the Minister, "South America and Europe are elements of global strategic stability, in a world of long-standing tensions and growing uncertainty. We agree with the characterization as continents of peace, cooperation and sustainable human development. Brazil and Europe are providers of "global public goods and services" for peace and development ".

Markets The meeting was held at the Representative Office of the European Union, in Brasília, and opened by Ambassador João Gomes Cravinho. During his welcoming remarks, the Ambassador said that the European market is in the process of expansion in defence and security, and beginning in 2020 the countries will be investing about €5 billion per year in the purchase of products and equipment. "And for this they will be counting on partnerships with friendly countries, and Brazil is right there among the friendly countries," said Cravinho.

Moreover, according to the representative of the EU, Europeans will also be allocating resources to research. Initially, €25 million will be invested, with a gradual increase to reach €500 million beginning in 2020. In turn, Minister Jungmann commented that the principal strategic projects and programs of the Brazilian Armed Forces are in partnership with European countries.  They will represent investments of about R$130 billion (€ 40 billion) by 2030.

New Profile During his speech, the Minister pointed out that "in June last year, the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, presented the new Global Strategy for foreign and security policy of the European Union, entitled "A Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe." In November 2016 the Minister pointed out, "the Brazilian Government sent to the National Congress the quadrennial Political and National Defense Strategy, accompanied by a White Paper on National Defense.”  Jungmann said that these documents will be debated and approved by the Congress, with ample participation by sectors of society. "In the European perspective, the new Global Strategy takes into account the fact that contemporary conflicts, that are transnational and hybrid in nature, need an integrated approach with a view to  not only regional, but global effectiveness" and he continued: "the need for building and strengthening of initiatives for regional orders and cooperatives and a commitment to a global order based on the respect for international law also deserve to be featured in the new European strategy. I believe that here there is broad convergence between European and Brazilian views." ??

To arrive at this point, Jungmann said that "Brazil maintains strategic partnerships with some of the countries of your region, in the most important projects for the Navy, the Army and the Air Force, as well as in Nuclear, in Cybernetics and Aerospace areas, among others." "I would mention, by way of illustration, the strategic PROSUB, for submarines and HX-BR helicopters, projects with France; the FX supersonic fighters, with Sweden; and the AM-X, fighter-bombers, with Italy. We want to deepen and diversify this cooperation," he said. According to the Minister, the European Union and Mercosur have sought to make progress in the negotiation of a bi-regional agreement that will allow us to increase the exchange of goods, services and reciprocal investments.

Defense products can and should be part of this package of integration between our trading blocks. Brazilian companies wish to take advantage of the ample opportunities for procurement that their European partners are offering, in the context of the modernization of equipment and expansion of national defence budgets planned for the next few years. At the end of his speech, the Minister argued in favor of periodic meetings by the Ambassadors, and invited them to participate, with their official delegations, in the LAAD Defence and Security exhibition, which will take place from April 4 – 7 in Rio de Janeiro. "It will be a unique opportunity for all of us to prospect for new partnerships between our countries in the area of defence products," he concluded.


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