BR-USA – U.S. — BRAZIL Industrial Cooperation Dialogue

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APRIL 2013

Created in December 2012, the U.S.-Brazil Industrial Cooperation Dialogues goal is to broaden the cooperation between the Brazilian and U.S. private sectors for the development of the Brazilian defense and security industrial base, and also to pronnote the deepening of comnnercial and investment relations between the two countries.

The Dialogue reflects the commitment of the two private sectors to promote business and to contributo to advancing public policies in Brazil and in the United States, particularly at a time when the two governments are inaugurating a new chapter in their defense and security relations. In April 2012, President Rousseff and President Obama established the Defense Cooperation Dialogue, the highest levei bilateral defense mechanism in the last 35 years.

With the objective of broadening bilateral cooperation in defense and security, the Dialogue recommends to the governments of Brazil and the United States the following actions:

1. The Dialogue applauds the governments of Brazil and the United States for launching the Defense Cooperation Dialogue, and, as in other bilateral mechanisms, reinforces the importance of including the two private sectors in its activities and initiatives.

2. The Dialogue recomnnends that the following agreements, already signed by the two countries, be sent to the Brazilian National Congress for approval:

a. Defense Cooperation Agreement, of 2010;
b. General Security of Military Information Agreement, 2010; and;
c. Framework Agreement on Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 2011.


3. The Dialogue encourages the governments of Brazil and the United States to implement the presidential commitment signed in 2011 to "comnnence negotiations of a new agreement to protect launching operation technologies," and to broaden partnership in the areas of innovation and technology.

4. The Dialogue supports the following actions in the area of export controls:

a. Facilitation of measures to control export of military and dual-use products, services and technology from United States to Brazil;

b. Inclusion of Brazil in the list of countries benefiting from the export license excemption known as Strategic Trade Authorization (STA) maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce, and

c. Initiating a discussion regarding Brazil´s adherence to multilateral mechanisms for the harmonization of export controls, including the Wassenaar Arrangement on control of exports of conventional arms, dual-use goods and technologies; and the Australia Group on control of chemical and biological weapons, both instruments for the harmonization of export.

Founding Members

The Dialogue founding Members

FIESP – Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo

Sistema FIRJAN – Fedração das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Conselho Empresarial Brasil-Estados Unidos – Seção Americana

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

ABIMDE – Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Materiais de Defesa e Segurança

Câmara Americana de Comércio – AMCHAM Brasil – SP

Câmara Americana de Comércio – AMCHAM Brasil – RJ


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